I slept and dreamed that life was all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.
— Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

Kristy Marie, Massage Therapist & Owner

I had the honor of studying at the Maui School of Therapeutic Massage, graduating in 2004. This long massage lineage – fully embodied in a beautiful culture – was a fundamental core to my establishment as a massage therapist.

My intuition is keen; over my years of practice I have learned to listen to the root cause of a person’s ability or inability to relax. I consider myself a guide in healing, to help bring others to a more relaxed state, in a safe space.

Since 2012, I have studied with John Barnes in the Myofascial Release approach. I've taken myofascial 1 & 2, unwinding, fascial pelvis, cervical thoracic, rebounding and a week long skill enhancement seminar wherein I shadowed Barnes in his Pennsylvania clinic.

I relish opportunities to continually learn about the body, mind, and spirit and how they are connected. I have attended numerous sufi retreats around the world, learning about the self through music, meditation, surrender, contemplation, compassion, love, harmony and beauty.

In the Fall of 2018 I graduated yoga teacher training (YTT) from the House of the Gathering Yoga School in Duluth MN. I had the honor to be a part of the first cohort obtaining a 200 hour YTT certificate. It was an exceptionally deep experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity.

Every thing that I study brings more fascination and more wonder and above all, more appreciation for the body's infinite potential and capability.